These compounds force fat cells to split into the bloodstream, clogging up your vital organs like the pancreas, liver and heart.
When the pancreas - which is responsible for absorbing energy and sugar from food - is clogged up, it can't do its job.
This fat spill also makes your body unresponsive to insulin (causing insulin resistance) and ‘breaks’ the body’s ability to process nutrients effectively. It also makes it difficult to burn calories and for you to lose weight.
Insulin is what signals your cells to absorb sugar and energy from food. If your body becomes resistant to insulin, The result is that sugar stays in your bloodstream, increases your blood sugar and leads to type 2 diabetes.
This fat also streams around the body, sticking to the liver and heart and even clogging the arteries as well...Which explains why diabetics are at high risk of heart attack and often have fatty livers.
Now, the problem is that some of us can’t flush out foreign compounds like ceramides on our own… so we accumulate an excess of them in the body. This is why some people get diabetes type 2 and others don’t.
Sure, losing some weight can help but it’s not enough for most people.
No matter how hard you try to fix your blood sugar, even if you exercise daily and eat next to no sugar and carbs, it’s near impossible to reverse insulin resistance and eventually diabetes type 2 unless you flush out the root cause of the fat which is this waxy ceramide compound.
When you do that you’ll stop fat from entering your bloodstream and clogging your pancreas.